The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

Latest Episodes

MR071112:"Israel May Be Tiny in Size, But When It Comes To Brainpower and Scientific Achievement...She is A Real Giant "
July 11, 2012

Ten Nobel laureates in 45 years for Israel...a country with only 7.8 million people...A country with more engineers per capita than any other nation in the world...A country second only to the US in the number of NASDAQ-listed companies... Israel..."Wh

MR070412:"When It Comes to Freedom of Religion, Is Germany Up to Her Old Tricks?...Circumcise A Child...Go To Jail"
July 04, 2012

Ritual circumcision is now a criminal act, punishable by the German courts...

MR070412:"When It Comes to Freedom of Religion, Is Germany Up to Her Old Tricks?...Circumcise A Child...Go To Jail"
July 04, 2012

Sound familiar? Jews (and Muslims, by the way)...If you don't like it you can...LEAVE GERMANY?? On Today's show: Marty Roberts' take on this legal development in Germany...Implications for Europe and the rest of the Western world... Plus...Israel's

MR062712:"Election Results in Egypt are Final...Another Islamist, Sharia-Law-Based Theocracy is Born Under the Leadership of Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsi"
June 27, 2012

The implications of the election results in Egypt are disconcerting to Western lovers of freedom and secular democracy, to say the least, yet the leader of the world's strongest Western democracy is supporting a government that represents the antithesis

MR061312:"Today is the Day...Will U.S. President Obama Release Jonathan Pollard From Prison?...Pray for Pollard"
June 13, 2012

Peres is scheduled to receive the Highest civilian honor granted by the United States, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Prior to the awards ceremony, armed with petitions holding close to 100,000 signatures from across the spectrum of politics, arts

MR061312:"Today is the Day...Will U.S. President Obama Release Jonathan Pollard From Prison?...Pray for Pollard"
June 13, 2012

Israeli President Shimon Peres will be pleading for the release of Pollard at his meeting today with Obama...

MR060612:"Religious Freedom...In Danger Around the World...In the United States, Too?"
June 06, 2012

It's getting a bit scary when a Jew is not allowed to place a mezuzah on her condominium doorpost... A new report shows an alarming rise on restrictions on religion around the world, and we're not just talking 3rd world, primitive countries... Also On
