MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

Broken Hands Loving Heart

November 22, 2016

Few people like to think of themselves as broken, but the longer you live, you will be susceptible to unwanted difficulties. Your challenge is to take your broken moments as a sort of laboratory experience, using them to produce good from your strains. In this podcast we will gain inspiration from a pianist who did just that, and we will discuss turning sorrow into strength. Something to Think about In this episode, we identified that: Broken people deliberately choose to use their experiences to produce good, not bitterness. They understand the role of choice. Broken people are positioned to act as fellow sojourners with those they encounter along life’s way. Broken people can determine to be lifelong learners. Let's Talk “What heartaches have you experienced that could prompt you to be a more sincere, loving presence to those who draw near to you? How does this work?”
