MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

We’re Out of Love, Now What?

November 15, 2016

Description: When some people use the phrase “We’ve fallen out of love,” it can be the direct result of very serious problems like an affair, abuse, or gross irresponsibility. At other times, though, when that phrase is used it can really mean, “We’ve grown apart,” and that is something that can be addressed. When chemistry and high feelings fade, you can still choose love as a way of life, not as a duty but as an intentional mindset. Something to Think about:   Attitudes and character can be confronted and adjusted. As you strengthen communication skills and as you learn to monitor emotions well, lost love can be revived. When you have lived together for a significant time, something other than good feelings has to guide you in your quest to find love, and that something is free choice. Let’s Talk Question: What good can come to a relationship when you realize that wonderful feelings are not enough to sustain a viable connection?
