MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

How to Truly Feel Significant

October 04, 2016

Description: The way you respond to disagreements goes a long way in demonstrating your emotional maturity. Many people, when faced with conflict, elect to go into an invalidating style of communication. Your task is to recognize this, then to accept the challenge to stay on a course of constructive communication, despite the temptation to respond rudely. Something to Think about: When a person invalidates, it is more of a commentary about that person than about you. Instead of attacking or defending unnecessarily, you can set the pace by being objective, seeking clarification. Even when you do not get the desired response as you attempt to stay healthy, you can determine to rise above bad habits. Let’s Talk Question: When you feel invalidated, what adjustments will you need to make as you attempt to respond with a constructive attitude?
