MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

The Making of an Affair

August 02, 2016

Affairs happen for a reason; they do not just occur by chance. In this podcast we will examine five of the most common qualities that factor into the making an affair. Our purpose is to assist you in figuring out how to respond if an affair has occurred, or better yet, to show you what to address up front so an affair can be averted.
Something to Think about:

Vulnerability to an affair represents emotional turmoil that has not been resolved.

Healthy couples recognize the necessity of accountability and the need for ongoing openness.

A goal for all marriages is to make the relationship a safe place where you can explore together who you are and what you believe in.

Let’s Talk Question:
If a couple is deliberating about the best ways to affair-proof their marriage, what do you suppose are the most important ingredients that need to be in place?
