MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

Respecting Your Own Boundaries

July 19, 2016

It is quite common for others to presume they can or should define who you are supposed to be and how you ought to feel and prioritize. In those cases, that represents a violation of relationship boundaries. Rather that collapsing in despair or trying to justify your legitimacy, you can choose to hold confidently to your own uniqueness.
Something to Think about:

It is not the job of others to define who you are supposed to be. That is your job.

Being self-preserving is not the same as selfishness.

If others respond poorly to your reasonable choices, that is not your problem to solve.

Let’s Talk Question:
Give us an example of a time when others have not respected your boundaries. In that situation, how might you respond reasonably, even when it is probable that the other person will not agree?
