Marketing Experts Cafe

Marketing Experts Cafe

60 Minute Sales Conversations For $100K Client

October 31, 2014

Are you always wondering what to say when you are talking to a client so they purchase your products and services?

Do you find it hard to communicate the value of your product and ask for what you are worth?

Tune in to this episode of Marketing Experts Cafe daily show and see how you can have 60 minute convesations with clients to close $1000, $5000 or even $60,000 deals.

The host of Marketing Experts Cafe, Iman Aghay, is a master sales and marketing expert who works with coaches, consutlants, authors, speakers and entreprenuers to create effective marketing and sales strategies in their business.

Also call the show live between 12pm (PST) to 1pm (PST) to ask specific sales and marketing questions about your business.
