Marketing Revelations

Marketing Revelations

Ep 25 - Why Local Marketing Matters to Multi-Location Brands

October 20, 2020

Because you loved our last multi-location podcast so much, we’re continuing our conversation this month!

When it comes to multi-location businesses and franchises, local marketing truly does matter.

In this episode of Marketing Revelations, Dan is joined by Emily George, RevLocal’s Senior Manager of Brand Partnerships, to learn about the puzzle piece that brands tend to overlook when it comes to marketing their location online.

Some key takeaways from this episode include:

•There’s a lot you can do to be localized and put the emphasis on the consumer without damaging the investment of the brand.

• Nine times out of ten, a franchisee is someone from your community.

• Scalable doesn’t mean sacrifice – you don’t have to choose between hyperlocal and something that protects the brand.

We hope you enjoyed this month’s episode! What would you like to hear about next? Send us an email to with your suggestions. 

And don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an update. We’ll see you next time!
