High Ticket Funnels

High Ticket Funnels

Latest Episodes

13 | $1,000,000 In A Single Funnel... Michael Ross Maitland Tells His Journey
December 22, 2019

Michael Ross Maitland has made over $1,00,000 in a single funnel and has won a Two Comma Club Award with his company TEFL Heaven Ltd.  "TEFL heaven provides transformational teach English abroad experiences to new university graduates and sends them to te

12 | My Revenue Goal this Year
October 03, 2019

I kinda left you on a cliff hanger last Episode... well here is the big news. This decision might completely change the direction of the podcast forever.

11 | How To Get “Raving Fans” To Buy Any Offer You Put Out...
September 25, 2019

In this episode, let’s talk about ClickFunnels massive launch and how to get raving fans to buy any offer you create...

10 | My Embarrassing OfferMind Story
September 06, 2019

This Happened...

09 | Learn Better With F.A.S.T.
August 15, 2019

I never learned "How" to learn in school... So I have been out digging for information on this topic... F.A.S.T. is an awesome acronym that I heard from Jim Kwik that has helped me a lot...  I hope it saves you a ton of time! Let's break it down.

08 | How I Organize My Content For Stephen Larsen’s Group
July 30, 2019

Recently, I became one of Stephen’s “Social Agents.” This means I have to help in his Facebook group and post valuable content. How do I organize and keep up with the content I am posting? We will discuss this in the Episode!Let’s dive in.

07 | College Gave The Wrong Business Model - Avoid it Using Funnels and Marketing
June 30, 2019

Hey, welcome to Funnels or Die! So I'm in the car again. I wanted to talk about a conversation I had with my friend. He wanted to start a business but first get a 200,000 loan. This isn't unusual. College teaches you to come up with an idea, you get some

06 | My Affiliate Funnel Launch Strategy
June 29, 2019

Launch strategies are a dying art. Let’s talk about what I will be doing to launch my new affiliate offer. Much like Hollywood building huge anticipation for a specific even, Marketers are event throwers. The launch campaign creates this anticipation and

05 | How Affiliates Win Affiliate Contests:)
June 22, 2019

There’s more to Affiliate marketing then just posting a link. That’s why it’s called affiliate MARKETING, you still have to do some marketing. The most important this is to create an offer and build a list at the same time. Let’s talk about the affiliate

04 | Irresistible Offer Case Study (Frank Kern & Billy Gene Legacy Collection)
May 22, 2019

Let’s talk about the Frank Kern and Billy Gene Legacy Collection. These are perfect examples of Irresistible offers with information products. Both had different approaches and tactics but which one is likely making more sales? Their case study examines t
