Marginally Geeky Show

Marginally Geeky Show

Latest Episodes

Ep 10 - Unstoppable
August 04, 2017

Climate change is a fact and yet there are those who refuse to believe it. We need to start making changes to the way we live and treat this planet or this planet will stop being ours. There are some big changes we can make but in the end it may be the sm

Ep 9 - The Handmaid's Tale
July 08, 2017

In a post-apocalyptic world where most of the populous has become sterile, women who are able to give birth have become rare. But instead of being able to use this to their advantage, they have become breeding stock to the wealthy and powerful. Writt

Ep 8 - 1984
June 02, 2017

Big Brother is watching you. We've all heard that saying about how the government is monitoring your actions but this is the birthplace of it. Before we started installing cameras on every public building and giving up our private info to social media sit

Ep 7 - You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)
April 28, 2017

Being a geek these days is pretty sweet but it didn't always used to be that way. We were shunned for liking certain things and perhaps a little socially awkward. No, you're weird! Thank goodness we have awesome geeks like Felicia Day to help make geek ch

Ep 6 - Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
March 31, 2017

Abraham Lincoln is still considered to be one, if not the greatest president of the United States. So the idea of using him in historical fiction can be tricky especially if you plan on having him do things like behead vampires. But Seth Grahame-Smith man

Ep 5 - The Princess Diarist
March 03, 2017

For a large portion of the population when you ask them about "their princess" they will probably respond with Diana. But for us geeks and nerds "our princess" will always be Leia. In honor of Carrie Fisher's passing, we read her last book, The Princess D

Ep 4 - Star Wars Catalyst
February 03, 2017

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was the first "stand alone" movie in the franchise since Disney acquired them. Most of the people on our site enjoyed the movie and would love to learn more about the characters. Which is why this month we read Catalyst: A Rog

Ep 3 - Ready Player One
January 06, 2017

If you are a child of the 80's like most of here on the site, you probably have fond memories of that decade. The music, the movies, the TV, the games, everything had a distinct feel. And while we have seen a resurgence of 80's culture because everything

Ep 2 - The Martian
December 04, 2016

What would you do if you were stranded and left for dead in a remote location? Would you fight to survive even if the odds were heavily stacked against you? Image that scenario, but on Mars. This month we discuss The Martian by Andy Weir. We walk through

Ep 1 - Introductions
October 31, 2016

Welcome to the first episode of the Marginally Geeky Show, the Epically Geeky book club. This week we introduce the core members of the show and reveal the first book we will be reading for the club. We'd like to invite you to join us in reading and disc
