Marginally Geeky Show

Marginally Geeky Show

Ep 55 - Angel Killer

November 08, 2021

Jessica Blackwood joined the FBI to get away from her famous, magician family and so she could help people by bringing bad guys to justice. But when a series of impossible murders happen, she is called into help evaluate how they were done using the skills she learned while performing magic on stage. This month we are reading Angel Killer by Andrew Mayne, the first in the Jessica Blackwood series. Our next books will be:

November - The Wizard’s Butler - Nathan Lowell

January - Braided Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

February - Quarter Share by Nathan Lowell

March - New Spring by Robert Jordan

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guest: Ray Andrew, Shaun McLaren

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Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz
