

How to journal for men

August 10, 2021

Journaling is an incredibly useful tool that has helped me immensely throughout my life to build an understanding and dialogue with my thoughts and feelings.

In this episode, I share my story of how I began my journaling journey. I had to move past the belief that women are the only ones that can journal. I gave myself the freedom to write whatever was inside my head without any structure and it allowed me to begin this dialogue with my emotions and thoughts.

I share my three uses for journaling which include developing an understanding of who I am and why I feel that way (including triggers), writing down quotes and affirmations that made me feel better and drawing.

We, as men, are not given the opportunity to explore emotions. Society views that men should always be strong and emotions are weak, causing us to lose the dialogue with our feelings. This then leads to emotions building up pressure over time, resulting in anger and frustration over small issues. Journaling enabled me to take control over my internal world and have an outlet for these thoughts and feelings.

Give journal writing a go and find your own perfect environment for personal reflection.


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