Making Everything Beautiful

Making Everything Beautiful

Latest Episodes

Episode 36: The Journey IS the Destination
October 22, 2019

So many of us are trying to get somewhere. We think there is a destination that we must keep working toward. Wherever it is, it seems elusive. We don't seem to be getting any closer. It always seems in the distance. If we just try harder, we might get...

Episode 35: Allowing Life to Unfold With Ease and Grace
October 15, 2019

Doesn't more ease and grace in your life sound delicious? It does to me. This is what I've been longing for more of in my own life. I know that when I am focusing my attention on things that don't "appear" to be working out in my life, I tend to feel...

Episode 34: Life's Perfect Provision
October 08, 2019

Do you ever find yourself complaining about how Life is providing for you? Maybe things don't look the way you want them to look. You look around at the circumstances in your life and don't see your dreams coming true. Not even close. Or, so your mind...

Episode 33: Allowing the Moment to Be
October 01, 2019

Learning to surrender to what is, to the way things look at the moment, is the key to living Life fully and powerfully. That doesn't mean it's easy to do. Yet, Life gives us opportunities daily to practice. I'm currently learning this crucial lesson:...

Episode 32: Finding Joy in Surrender
September 24, 2019

One would not expect to find joy in the rubble of a life crumbling apart. Yet, when we surrender to the process that these events are here to teach us instead of fighting against them, our sorrow has a companion to walk alongside it. Joy. I'm...

Episode 31: Letting Go of the Old Story
September 17, 2019

Every year I create a new theme for my life for the year. I have bracelets made with the new theme and wear them all year to remind me of what I'm focusing on for those 12 months. For 2019, my theme is: Feel Good. Throughout this year I have been...

Episode 30: Inside the Chrysalis- Between the Old and the New
September 10, 2019

Ever heard of caterpillar soup? It's actually a thing. Yep. It's cooked up inside a chrysalis and served up a'la butterfly. HUH?? I know. It sounds like something one might be forced to eat as a contestant on Survivor, but let me explain. We know that...

Episode 29: Finding Our Way Back Home
September 03, 2019

Have you ever had the wind knocked out of you? I did when I was seven years old and I thought I was dying. Literally. Obviously, I didn't because I'm writing this right now. Sometimes in life, things happen that "knock the wind out of us". Sometimes,...

Episode 28: Healing Our Inner Child
August 27, 2019

Do you find yourself sabotaging yourself repeatedly? Are you still struggling with pain and emotions from events in your past? Do you often feel unlovable, rejected, and like something is wrong with you? Then, let me introduce you to the source of...

Episode 27: Love is STILL the Answer
August 20, 2019

Have you ever run across a song, quote, book, movie, etc that touched you so deeply that you felt a shift happen inside? That, it caused you to see something in a new or deeper way? And, you felt that in some way, your life was transformed? Even more,...
