Makes You Think

Makes You Think

Never, Never Give Up | Our Love Story 4

April 28, 2013

Sir Winston Churchill said “Never, Ever Give Upâ€. Here’s a powerful podcast by Chris Styles on why, when his whole world was burning down around his ears, he decided to Never, Ever Give Up, not on his business, not on his marriage. Has it been easy? Hell no! Has it been worth the fight? Hell yes! What did all this teach Chris? Listen to the podcast…

“Much has been written by many on easy and effortless success in life and in business. Well, I’m delighted for them and for those who had such an easy ride to riches and success. It hasn’t been that way for me. If it hasn’t been an easy road for you either and if you’re still grinding along this road toward your great deal, then what I have to share with you in this podcast might be of great value in keeping you in the game and in your marriage. Yes, as Sir Winston said – Never, Never, Ever Give Up!†– Chris Styles.

Chris and Suzanne Styles launched their own relationship workshop Relationship Power
