Makes You Think

Makes You Think

Relationships | The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

April 24, 2013

Relationships! When they’re good, they’re great. When they’re bad, they’re positively awful. They hurt like hell… Through our relationships we impact others and given the Law of Cause and Effect, the outcome of all our relationships also impacts directly upon us too. During their weekly business coaching radio talk show, professional coaches Chris and Suzanne Styles, open the proverbial can of worms around relationships, kicking off a series of let’s-talk-frankly radio shows which will focus on relationships and the impact which relationships have on every element of your life. Yes, let’s talk relationships: the good, the bad, the ugly!


Chris and Suzanne Styles met in their forties. To the world both appeared to be tremendously successful. Suzanne, South Africa’s first female out-of-home media industry Director, had built a hugely successful company which, when sold to a listed entity, had made her, and many others, very wealthy! Chris, a wildlife ecologist by training, turned banker through need, had risen to hold an Executive level job within one of the country’s leading retail banks. To the outside world, both were high flyers. Truth is, deep down inside, underneath the thickly applied external veneer of financial and professional success, both were seriously damaged goods. Life’s heavy blows, the harshest of all, which had been administered through direct family members, had taken their toll. Instead of trying to gloss over all the hurt and damage, upfront, both took the clear and definite decision to play all in. This well-meaning conscious decision was not immediately followed up with subconscious actions perfectly aligned to this effect. Quite the contrary, the Knowing-Doing-Gap was alive and well in their relationship and this would test them, individually, and their relationship, to the maximum.

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