Makes You Think

Makes You Think

Time To Make You Think | Inspirational Leaders Forum | Relationship Power

April 23, 2013

On Time To Make You Think,  tonight Chris and Suzanne Styles interview Dumi Jere from TD5 Conferences with regard to the Inspirational Leaders Forum in May. They launch Relationship Power and Our Love Story on the show tonight providing insight into how essential a happy home life is to your career or business, this leads into a series of interviews over the next few weeks with local entrepreneurial couples in business together or in their own businesses.

Over five years, Suzanne and Chris have faced death, financial ruin, betrayal, infidelity, separation from children, the deliberate destruction of a business as a result of cyber sabotage by an ex US supplier, and the deepest hurt you can imagine. They’ve been through such dark times, all converging at once in what can only be described as the perfect relationship storm, that not only did they think they’d lost everything, they also thought they’d lost each other.

For more information on Chris and Suzanne Styles Relationship Power Workshop, check out the Inspirational LeadersForum

