Made in China Podcast: International Business | Crowdfunding | Entrepreneurship

Made in China Podcast: International Business | Crowdfunding | Entrepreneurship

EP 156 - Arjun Rai on Data Science, Growth Mindset, and Helping Underdogs

July 02, 2020

Rico interviews Arjun Rai of HelloWoofy and talks about helping the small businesses he refers to as ‘underdogs.’ They have a good exchange about what it’s like to be an Immigrant in another country and moving from state to state so much.

- Helping “Underdogs” in Business using Data Science, Solving the Problem for Creatives in Collaboration
- Taking advantage of Instagram before Facebook acquired it, Starting small when reaching your audience thru social media
- Misconceptions of using Emojis (and Hashtags) on your Emails and Social Media Marketing
- Raising capital even during the pandemic, Be an early adapter of Crowd Funding
- Arjun getting rejected and getting another shot, overcoming struggles in order to grow
- Going all in and betting on the product, and getting clients moving forward
- Having the right mindset and surrounding yourself with people who pick you up, getting a day job to support your hustle
- Using history as basis to your day-to-day or big decisions, Visual Language in ancient history to Emojis in our phones
- Setting remote teams and managing them like a portfolio in a hedge fund
