Made in China Podcast: International Business | Crowdfunding | Entrepreneurship

Made in China Podcast: International Business | Crowdfunding | Entrepreneurship

EP 154 - Scammed Using the Legal System in China with John Graham Harper Part 3

June 18, 2020

An update of the previous two Made In China Podcast episodes with John Graham Harper on his legal case. Since the verdict has been passed, John is no longer a flight risk in China and he discusses his plans after winning the case. 

Episode Notes:
- Being a flight risk and being legally-tried in the China Legal System
- Totally being rejected his appeal through China’s legal system rather than seeing the substantial evidence presented
- Lawyers marketing themselves about their practice, [In John’s opinion] some of the lawyers lack the experience of the practice
- When the final verdict arrived and how John settled, not being able to talk about the trial online and how it could affect the process
- Raising funds from crowdfunding to hire a legal team, the scammer that sued John doesn’t like to show himself to the media
- John on his podcast as he started producing and creating content, interviewing people that have crazy stories in China at The JG Show
- How the White Collar Fight Night affected by Coronavirus Pandemic, when John leaves China after the trial
- China is still a place to be for John
