Made in China Podcast: International Business | Crowdfunding | Entrepreneurship

Made in China Podcast: International Business | Crowdfunding | Entrepreneurship

EP 153 - Renaud Anjoran on Factory Transparency, Global Business and Industry Climate

June 11, 2020

In this episode, Renaud Anjoran, partner and CEO of Sofeast Ltd, sits down with Rico to talk about Factories improvement, Inspections, Risk Management, Prototyping, Supply Management, Factory Vetting, Production Management. There has been a shared experience of their companies growing their business through multimedia and exporting/importing Medical PPEs.

Episode Notes:
* Foreign Trading Companies opening their own Factory
* Clients’ struggle on finding suppliers, Transparency in Manufacturing-Consulting
* Convincing the clients how Chinese factories work and transparency with Chinese factories
* Trust and Transparency gets things moving on your relationship with your client
* Media growing their business, SFA’s podcast and Renaund’s blog
* Factory on Quality Control and Transparency to their customers through a report
* Factory jumping into manufacturing Medical PPE products as soon as they re-open
* Risks and loss of opportunity when doing medical PPE’s business
* Learning about the Certifications and Policies on Medical PPE’s
* Global Business and Industry Climate — what to look out for
