Madame Perry's Salon

Madame Perry's Salon

Greg Hammer, MD, Set Intentions To Fire Up Mind, Brain & Body Communication

August 17, 2021

The Power of Intention - Stanford School of Medicine professor, author, and mindfulness expert Greg Hammer, MD explains how setting positive intentions may relieve chronic diseases, heal emotional wounds, and facilitate success.   

What is my intention?  We would be well served by posing this question to ourselves as we start each day- and repeatedly throughout the day- as intentional living can have a healthy impact on just about every area of our lives!  Research shows that setting a clear intention actual activates the prefrontal cortex, establishing neural networks that can facilitate success, relieve chronic diseases, and heal emotional wounds. It all starts with setting our Intention! Greg Hammer, MD is a  pediatric intensive care physician, pediatric anesthesiologist, mindfulness expert, and the author of GAIN without Pain: The Happiness Handbook for Health Care Professionals (May 15, 2020). 
