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Mac20Q Podcast 54 Karen Sperling
September 08, 2009

What was so great about talking with Karen was that she is into so many things, like myself she can't stop herself being interested in a variety of interests. She has published a book called  Painting for Photographers which is available now as an eBook

Mac20Q Podcast 53 Rachael Furn
September 04, 2009

A calm banana who loves neon zebra patterns and goes by the name of Rachael Furn. I enjoyed talking to her about how she uses her Mac. Rachael told me about an application called Smultron which she uses for web development. Smultron is a text editor wri

Mac Hater
August 30, 2009

It is a funny thing when you are a Mac user and just expect people to love Mac OSX just as much as you do, in the way that there are only 2 kinds of people in the world – Those that use Macs and those that want to have a Mac. Then I was listening to

Mac20Q Snow Leopard podcast pt 1
August 28, 2009

I got talking to some people that have differing views regarding what to do regarding Snow Leopard. Ranging from a developer that has been running it prior to Snow Leopard Day Friday 28th of August, to some that are holding back to let other mugs, I mean

How to set up a hosted Wordpress Blog
August 26, 2009

As you know I love using WordPress. I have all my blogs running on WordPress because it is the best blogging software out there. Not only that I have all my domains and hosting through GoDaddy, What is good about this is that to get the initial installati

Snow Leopard coming ??
August 23, 2009

Many of blogs and podcasts are getting into the swing of things with the approaching of the Snow Leopard. There are reports / rumours that the cat will be with us before the end of August even, despite Apple saying that they would put it out in September

Technorati claim
August 22, 2009


Mac20Q Podcast 51 Raindance with Elliot Grove
August 21, 2009

Elliot started Raindance in 1993 and our website, contains information and advice for new independent filmmakers. Raindance also holds 'off-line' training events. I have looked at the courses and would love to go do a couple of them. They are not expensi

Camping site blues
August 18, 2009

As you know I have been working all hours all summer in a camp site by the beach. Have to in order to get some cash in to buy some more podcasting equipment. I am thinking of getting a couple of  Shure SM58 microphones. They are dynamic mics and are not

Wizardgold News
August 13, 2009

I did the security update last night on the Mac Book and on the iMac. On the MacBook there was the Safari update to do too. It was one of those nights when I couldn’t sleep and spent time out of bed when I should have been snoring. One of those nigh
