The LS Collective Podcast

The LS Collective Podcast

Latest Episodes

EP042 – What Happens on Judgment Day?
October 07, 2020

We continue with our third episode from our FAQ video series: What Happens on Judgment Day? This was recorded during the summer of 2020. You listen here or watch the video below:

EP041 – FAQ Series: Did God Create Evil?
October 07, 2020

We continue with our next FAQ question: Did God create evil? This series is taken from a videos we did over the summer of 2020. You can listen here, or watch the video below:

EP040 – FAQ SERIES: What Is The Trinity?
July 13, 2020

This episode is the first in our FAQ series.  Pastor Chris Shelly began this series at his church, and then invited us to continue the conversation via our podcast.  Today we're talking about matters of the Trinity.

EP039 – COVID-19. Blame. Idols. Home Church.
April 20, 2020

This is our first ever, social distancing approved, Skype recorded podcast episode!  We recorded this episode on March 24th, only a couple weeks after the COVID-19 lockdown happened.  We talked about many things, including...

EP038 – When deceived by cults, whose fault is it?
August 28, 2019

The New Testament is filled with warnings of false teachers who would preach a different gospel, which Paul says is no gospel at all (Galatians 1:7).  False gospels have been around since the first century and are still alive and thriving today.

EP037 – LGBTQ Part 3: Gender and Identity
June 06, 2019

In this final episode of our LGBTQ series, we continue the conversation with a question that was posed at the end of part 2: "What if genetics proves that genes make us gay or straight?  Why would God do that?

EP036 – LGBTQ Part 2: Marriage in the Bible
May 01, 2019

Part 2: Marriage in the Bible If you haven't checked out Part 1 of this series, we recommend that you do that before listening to this episode.  In this episode we take a look at what the Bible has to say about marriage.

EP035 – LGBTQ Part 1: What Does the Bible Really Say?
April 15, 2019

Part 1: What does the Bible really say about Homosexuality? The LGBTQIA+ topic is one that is not only relevant to our society today, but all cultures in and throughout history.  You probably already know that the Bible has some things to say about th...

EP034 Denominations
April 01, 2019

We were asked by our friend, Brett Foote, to explain how we came to the denominations we currently serve.  This leads to larger questions like: Why are there so many churches?  What do we think of denominations in general?

EP033 Desert Island Movies and Red Thread
March 27, 2019

This episode is just for fun! We split it into two parts: Part 1 answers the question of what movies would we bring to a desert island if we could only pick 5. There are more rules to consider, of course, which Chris lays out for us.
