Loyal Company of the River Valley Podcast

Loyal Company of the River Valley Podcast

Latest Episodes

LCRV - Episode 156
August 21, 2018

Pacific FC Names Their Coach & Win Column Sports

LCRV - Episode 155
August 15, 2018

City Council Meeting for Clarke & Will Canadian Players Want to Play for Any CPL Club?

LCRV - Episode 154
July 31, 2018

Reactions to the Forge & Pacific crests and York 9 names their coach

LCRV - Episode 153
July 24, 2018

Fan Round Table Part 2 - The FCE Launch & Future of Supporting in YEG

LCRV - Episode 152
July 18, 2018

Fan Round Table - The Last 7 Months

LCRV - Episode 151
July 10, 2018

FC Edmonton Head Coach Jeff Paulus

LCRV - Episode 150
July 04, 2018

Coach Announcements (Almost) Everywhere!

LCRV - Episode 149
June 25, 2018

Jay Ball Pt. 2 - The Future of FCE in the CPL

LCRV - Episode 148
June 19, 2018

Jay Ball Part 1: Journey to the CPL

LCRV - Episode 147
June 11, 2018

FCE Launch & Crest Reaction
