Love Your Work

Love Your Work

Latest Episodes

281. E.R.A.S.E. F.E.A.R. and Finish Your Creative Projects
June 16, 2022

In fifteen years as a self-employed creator, I’ve learned how to . I follow a nine-step process that makes an easy-to-remember acronym, that also describes what this process does: E.R.A.S.E. F.E.A.R.

280. Surround and Conquer (Your Biggest Dreams)
June 02, 2022

When Facebook was first expanding, they used a timeless military strategy to win their most-crucial first users. You can use this strategy to attack your toughest projects, by leveraging hidden comple

279. Summary: Industrial Society and Its Future (The Unabomber Manifesto)
May 19, 2022

, is otherwise known as “The Unabomber Manifesto,” written by Ted Kaczynski. Kaczynsnki is a terrorist who killed three people, and injured twenty-three others, by sending bombs through the mail, betw

278. Summary: The Elements of Eloquence: Secrets of the Perfect Turn of Phrase
May 05, 2022

There are some invisible structures in language, and using them can be the difference between your message being forgotten or living through the ages. These are , which is the title of Mark Forsyth’s

277. Summary: Trust Me, I'm Lying – by Ryan Holiday
April 21, 2022

In , reveals the media manipulation tactics he used as Marketing Director of American Apparel, and for his PR clients. Meanwhile, he exposes the inner workings of a modern media machine in which ince

276. How Matthew Walker Ruined My Sleep (& How I Fixed It)
April 07, 2022

In 2018, Matthew Walker was on a media blitz, promoting his book, . I was one of the many people who picked up the book. It slowly ruined my sleep. But recently, I fixed it. No, this is not a takedown

275. Finish What Matters (Forget the Rest)
March 24, 2022

One thing I hear from a lot from readers of , is that many people have no problem starting new projects. They instead struggle with finishing them. I can relate. Like many creative people, I once stru

274. Summary: Balaji Srinivasan – Centralized China vs Decentralized World – The Tim Ferriss Show #547
March 10, 2022

What will the future look like? In his most recent November appearance on the Tim Ferriss Show, entrepreneur and investor Balaji Srinivasan , and plausible scenarios of how things will play out. I fou

273. Write on a Typewriter
February 24, 2022

It seems even the most devout techno-utopiasts carry around a Moleskine notebook. They appreciate the way writing longhand on paper alters their thought processes. Yet the same people think writing on

272. Ode to the Unfinished
February 10, 2022

There’s a reason the expression, “unfinished business” has such provocative power. Unfinished projects stack up like skeletons in our cluttered mental closets. We know if we crack open that door, we’l