LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 302 – I Got You Babe

February 07, 2016

It’s patch note time on LOTRO Reporter, with Chris and Cari talking about patch 17.2, the return of the Yule festival, and new fangled hobbit holes in this week’s episode.
Audio Version:

What We Did in Game

Questing towards Minas Tirith
Crafting – Getting my gathering professions up

Cari Mac 

Streamed more Bingo Quests
Finished up some Festival Stuff

Free Transfer Schedule
Update 17.2 Patch Notes
Mastering The Sky: A History Of Aviation From Ancient Times To Present

Emote collection UI:

You can now see all emotes available to the free people of Middle-earth in the Collections Panel. In the new emote tab you can preview emotes, learn how to earn them, and perform emotes directly from this panel.

New Quests have been added in Minas Tirith:

A new public endgame space in the Cisterns is available.
New quests can be found near the Stone Theatre (in the northern 1st Tier), inside the Houses of Lore, inside the Houses of Healing, at the Citadel, at the Training Ground, and near the Baths of Belecthor (in the 4th Tier).
Stable travel options have been added in Minas Tirith.
If you have already completed all of his adventures, George at Sandson’s Farm might just have a new one waiting in the wings.

Instances and Currency:

The barter costs for Anfalas Scrolls of Empowerment have been decreased.
Sambrog is now a more challenging instance and the Mark and Medallion rewards for Sambrog have been increased.
Dol Amroth Endgame Tokens Have Changed


Large and special furniture hooks now accept thin furniture.
All tree housing decorations now slot into small exterior hooks with the exception of Shire Oak Tree.
Gondorian candelabra lights when used.
Birch Trees now correctly use fall colors.

Other Changes:

You can now give your pets names with “-” in them.
The Flirt emote now plays flirt sound for all races.
Reputation gain has been added to Norcroft and Entwash Vale repeatable quests!
Reputation has been added to Eastern Rohan Warbands!
KINSHIPS: The Founder title will be properly granted to Kin Founders who have transferred shards along with their Kinships. If the Kin leader at time of transfer was not the Founder, but received the Founder title, they will lose it.

Update 17.2.1 Notes

An errant tree has been removed from the road to Rivendell.

Yule Festival is Back
Jan 29-Feb 10


Running the Rift On Level
LOTRO Artists
Prefabricated Hobbit Holes
