LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter 298 – Layanor Sees Minas Tirith

November 28, 2015

Cari and Layanor talk about the latest hotfix; Fallout 4, that was mostly Cari, and read a really awesome letter.
Audio Version:

What We Did in Game


Cari Mac –

Fallout 4

Update 17.2 Hotfix Notes
Free Transfer Token Question
When will they be available?
Free transfer tokens will be granted on the day we bring the worlds up in the new datacenter. Once those are on your accounts and we open transfers again between the remaining worlds, transfer will work the same way it does now for free ones, only instead of seeing “FREE” under the cost column, you will see 1 token for each character you have selected to transfer if the transfer is from a PAID server. At check out if you do not have enough tokens on your account, you will be linked to the site where you can purchase more to complete the transfer or choose to change the characters you are moving. Closing world transfers will still say FREE as will the world of the week/ month during the time when we will be allowing 10 Remaining worlds to redistribute. We will be giving each remaining world 1 free week in rotation followed by a one month rotation for each. I will have the schedule up for these on the website before the new data center is live.
Transfer Updates
We will be opening Vanyar for transfers to remaining worlds on 11/23/2015.
Dwarrowdelf will open for transfers on 11/24/2015.
Winterstock Band Registration
Letter from Merryrose Morningsong
Hi! I’ve been listening to your show for about a year now and look forward to it each week.
LOTRO is the only game I currently play. Been at it for 1 1/2 years to have my highest level character finally enter…Moria. I know – big let down. But I get so immersed in the story and the scenery that I cannot be the one to blame. Turbine got me hooked and now I can’t stop.  Somehow 3 characters were not enough and now I have 21 on my main server. Which explains why I only now got to Moria. Naming all those hobbit alts can be addicting. My sister introduced me to LOTRO but I held off for a long time knowing I would go bezerk. And that’s what happened.
I came across this thread on the Forum and it made me laugh so hard. If you’ve already seen it then just gloss over it. But I had Layanor’s voice stuck in my head when I read YamydeAragon’s post.
What would you do if you woke up as your LOTRO character?
YamydeAragon: The 1st thing that i will do is: i will take off that underwear & burn it! My toon have been wearing the same underwear for 7 years.
Volsi had a good observation: Continue the quest arch I am on by doing some dishes, cleaning up messes, and running some errands… OMG I already woke up in middle-earth years ago!!!!!
Thank you for all the work you do,
Merryrose Morningsong
Contact Information
Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com
Facebook:LOTRO Reporter
