LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 297 – We Extra Lived

November 19, 2015

Cari and Layanor talk about the latest LOTRO server changes, and what we did for Extra Life.
Audio Version:

What We Did in Game


Cari Mac

Extra Life
Fallout 4

Brandywine is Open to Some Transfers

Brandywine is now available as a transfer destination for the closing worlds that have been opened for transfer
Maiar will open for transfers on Monday November 16th.
Imladris will open for transfers on Tuesday November 17th.

We were able to add additional hardware to the current Brandywine servers and we’re seeing this strategy working well for the other servers who are now as large as Brandywine. With the delay in the build out we decided to open that server as well to those player who have been waiting as the additional hardware would help with the additional population. We will do an analysis this week to see how the servers are holding up and if we need to can close transfers again as needed.
Prizes from the Stress Test
We aim to have the prizes sent out in the next couple of days. Over 4,000 people participated so it takes us a little time to gather all of that information and organize the prize emails, but we have people on it.
Forum  Signatures Disabled
Forum Signatures have been disabled until further notice.
Due to security reasons and recent abuse by a large number of members here on the forums, we have disabled the use of forum signatures for the time being. We do not have an ETA for when they will be activated again.
LOTRO  Website Update in the Works
We are in the process of planning out an updated site for the game. On that site we will have all the relevant and new information. Right now due to how the current site works it is a very labor intensive and often frustrating process to get new pages like that up and working. Rather than doing that I am focused on making sure the new site will have updated pages and information.
Operation Hardi Claus
Hosted by Roxxi Manor where we give out crafted crit weapons, class items and food stuffs to lower level players. We start 2-3 weeks before Yule Tidings and it runs for about a week afterwards. Lots of music, fireworks, dancing and merry making by our Roxxi Volunteer Elves! Our official kick off November 28th at 2:30pm est & 7:00pm est. We will start in Combe and move to Archet, Staddle, Thorin’s Hall, & Celondim. This year we are adding some level 20 areas in as well, so be on the lookout for the Roxxi mob! We have a large band that will bring out the Christmas music, fireworks, dancing, and just all around fun. We will be in these areas several nights a week. So be sure to look out for us! We have done this every Yule season since the game started and will continue to do so til the servers shut down!
Thank you,
Kin Leaders Hardiroxx & Saxiroxx, Officers/Council RM
Winterstock III is coming in January.
