Living Smart & Well: Monday, 2pm ET

Living Smart & Well: Monday,  2pm ET

Are you falling short of your dreams? Get a Soul-Lift with Lin Morel - Jan 13,2014

January 13, 2014

Lin Morel is a thought leader, visionary and advocate for All Things Soul™. Her latest workshop series, Money, Sex and Chocolate™: A Soul lover's Guide to the Finer things in Life, begins mid-February. Dr. Lin has been featured in the NY Times, PBS, NBC and the Discovery Channel. Her latest book, Soul-Lifts: 50 Exercises to Transform your Life is due for release in February as well. Lin's mission is to help individuals turn ordinary lives into works of art by facilitating an awakening to their Soul's blueprint for success. Join us for an extraordinary call with a 5th degree black belt, minister, mother and mentor to thousands of people around the world. Are you a big thinker without the big results? Do you feel like like you aren't visible? ‘Can't get no satisfaction?' It doesn't have to be that way! You can move beyond that ?one thing? that keeps getting in your way. Don't give up! It is possible for YOU to live life beyond your wildest dreams. Ironically, help is all around you, when you have the eyes to see it. When you understand your obstacles and that support is available, you can turn those obstacles into steppingstones. The benefit is you begin living a life of fulfillment, filled with joy, ease, grace. Doubts, worries and fears no longer limit you.
