Living the Present Moment

Living the Present Moment

Latest Episodes

Story: The First Doctor ~ Joel Ying
May 31, 2024

This story began with an exercise to uncover a memory that would make a good story. As my attention narrowed to a particular moment, I had the feeling that there is a story in here somewhere that I wa

Story: Persephone and the Seasons ~ Joel Ying
February 28, 2024

Why did Persephone eat that pomegranate seed? As seasons shift and the Spring Equinox approaches, science gives us an explanation. The earth rotates on its axis, and the side that faces the sun has

Story: Truth and Story ~ Joel Ying
January 31, 2024

"Stop making up stories!" I overhear an exasperated mom talking to her 4-year-old. In this context, the word "story" has become synonymous with lying, making up fiction, not telling the truth. H

Story: Spring of Youth
December 27, 2023

Storytellers in my tradition look for stories that hold some sort of "magic." We tell stories that we love--sometimes for reasons that we know and sometimes we just keep telling them until we figure o

Story: Love or Money ~ Joel Ying
November 29, 2023

There are some stories that you do not really know until you've heard it directly from the people that have lived it. Growing up, I knew my parents story of immigration from bits and pieces of over

Story: Ninth Night
October 31, 2023

"Show me the manner in which a Nation or community cares for its dead and I will measure with mathematical exactness the tender mercies of its people, their respect for the laws of the land, and their

Story: The Graveyard
October 01, 2023

"Don't go into the graveyard after dark!" Perhaps like my friend, Janis McCall, you grew up with this warning. But really... is there anything to fear in graveyards? "Personally I have no bone t

Story: Never Forget – Unknown Soldier
July 17, 2023

Unsure of how to proceed, the young soldier prayed silently while he continued to pace. As if summoned by some invisible force, he homed in on one of the flag-swathed caskets. "I know this man," he th

Hearse Song ~ Special Halloween Podcast
October 31, 2022

This spooky Halloween season, I got a chance to perform at Leu Gardens in Orlando, Florida, with the cast of "Haunting Tales," formerly called "Ghosts in the Garden." Last Friday, the morning was beau

Meditation: Space
October 26, 2020

Don't think of a purple elephant! What do you do? ... You think of a purple elephant. Let's use the science of the mind in our favor. What you focus on is what persists. Let's practice shifting our focus onto space.
