Living Grace Ministry

Living Grace Ministry

Latest Episodes

Whole: Trust and Let Go (Genesis 50:15-21)
November 06, 2022

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Forgiveness, peace, freedom, and blessing are available when we can trust in the goodness of God and let go of hurt and offense and our desire to control.

Whole: Be Loved (Genesis 29:31-35)
October 30, 2022

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We all need to be loved, and that need can only be filled by God. But a lot of us get stuck in cycles that are difficult to break on our own.

Whole: The Better Blessing (Genesis 25:29-34)
October 23, 2022

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. There is a better blessing waiting, it is what only God can give, instead of the low-hanging fruit that most people choose.

Whole: With Our Whole Heart (Genesis 22:9-18)
October 16, 2022

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. In our journey of friendship with God, we must learn how to trust God wholeheartedly, which means that nothing must be off limits from God. We must be willing to trust

Whole: How To Be God’s Friend (Genesis 12:1-4)
October 09, 2022

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Abraham was called a friend of God because he learned how to trust in God and believe in his promises, not just in theory, but in how he chose to walk in uncertainty,

Whole: Space for God (Genesis 11:1-9)
October 02, 2022

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. In modern life, we keep adding technology and distractions to our life (which are supposed to make our lives better) but we are increasingly becoming more anxious and

Whole: The Covenant of Grace (Genesis 9:8-17)
September 25, 2022

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. In the face of human evil, Gods justice does not turn a blind eye. But in the end, Gods everlasting covenant with humanity is to show us grace and mercy again and ag

Whole: Ruling Over Sin (Genesis 4:1-16)
September 18, 2022

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Sin has a way of taking over, but God means to rule over it.

Whole: Come Out of Hiding (Genesis 3:1-13)
September 11, 2022

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. One of the effects of sin is we hide from the presence of Godeven though it is being with God that will ultimately heal us and make us whole.

Whole: Whole (Genesis 1:26-31)
September 04, 2022

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We were created for wholeness, whole in our relationship with God and whole in our relationship with each other. In order to learn how to be restored, we need to get a
