Living Grace Ministry

Living Grace Ministry

Latest Episodes

The Big Story: Love True (Ephesians 4:25-32)
November 03, 2019

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. As we put aside our false selves, now we are called to speak truthfully, live truthfully, and love truthfully. We can only love others truly, if we embrace the truth of who we all are in Christ.  Advertisements

The Big Story: The New Human (Ephesians 4:17-24)
October 27, 2019

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. New life implies leaving an old way of doing things. But what if you don’t feel like it? That’s precisely the problem, which new life in Christ is all about correcting.  Advertisements

The Big Story: Walk Worthy (Ephesians 4:1-16)
October 20, 2019

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We have a big story, a big calling, a big purpose—will you live your life in a way that is worthy of this big story? 

The Big Story: Overflowing Love (Ephesians 3:11-21)
October 13, 2019

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. From head to toe, from your inmost being to what people see on the outside, the Christ-follower should be full to overflowing with love. When we are filled up, we find that the love of Christ spills out to everyone we enco

The Big Story: You’re Not (More) Special (Ephesians 3:1-10)
October 06, 2019

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Paul reveals the big mystery of the gospel that the Gentiles are included in it, just as the Jews were. We like to think of ourselves or make ourselves as more special than others, but the enfolding love of Christ helps us

The Big Story: No More Division (Ephesians 2:11-22)
September 29, 2019

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. People today are divided, separate, scared, and alone. God desires to bring us to him and to bring us together. He did this through Jesus. And the church is his chosen instrument to be the dwelling place of God’s presence.

The Big Story: Alive By Grace (Ephesians 2:1-10)
September 22, 2019

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The problem of sin is that we are separated from God and each other, from what makes us truly alive. God desires to do something to bring us back to life–by grace, a gift that can only be received, not earned.  Adver

The Big Story: The Big Story (Ephesians 1:9-23)
September 16, 2019

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. In this world, many of us are living little stories or stories that frankly don’t lead anywhere. The secret of a life of joy and meaning is to link up our story with God’s big story, one that unites us with God

The Big Story: The Blessing Life (Ephesians 1:1-8)
September 08, 2019

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We are obsessed with living a blessed life… and this is God’s desire–the truth is God has given you EVERY blessing, but to live the big story God has for you, it is a life where we are also BEING a blessi

Practical: Change One Thing (Colossians 3:17)
September 01, 2019

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. As we close our summer of speaking of practical spiritual advice, perhaps the most practical advice I can offer is to choose just one thing at a time that you want to change and dedicate it to God.  Advertisements
