Podcast – Live From Satellite 5

Podcast – Live From Satellite 5

Latest Episodes

Episode 8: Mummy on the Orient Express
October 13, 2014

A punctual mummy interrupts the Doctor and Clara's last hurrah aboard a space locomotive.

Episode 7: Kill the Moon
October 07, 2014

The Doctor leaves Clara, a teenager, & an astronaut to decide the fate of the moon.

Episode 6: The Caretaker
September 30, 2014

Clara watches as Danny Pink & the Doctor trade insults. Apparently there's also a monster.

Episode 5: Time Heist
September 22, 2014

Clara's date night is preempted in favor of robbing a bank with the Doctor and two new friends.

Episode 4: Listen
September 16, 2014

The Doctor finally confronts the monsters under his bed, and helps Clara redo a bad first date.

Episode 3: Robot of Sherwood
September 08, 2014

Two classic British heroes fight over who is more skilled at sword fighting and/or spooning.

Episode 2: Into the Dalek
September 02, 2014

A mini-sized Doctor romps through the brain of a "good Dalek" and finds more truth than he bargained for.

Episode 1: Deep Breath
August 25, 2014

Clara meets the 12th Doctor for the first time in Victorian London. A dinosaur and clockwork aliens join the party.
