

Latest Episodes

Secrets of the Alternative Media
December 04, 2015

LiveFreeFM Episode 0015 Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of your favorite alternative media outlets? Well, you might be surprised. This week, I have Chris and Sheree Geo on and we talk about all the crazy stuff we've seen in our re

How To Make Sure People Are OPEN To Your Message
November 29, 2015

Anarcho-Preneur Episode 008 In sales, it's all about "closing" the deal. But, what if it didn't have to be? In activism, it's all about "waking people up". What if all it took was a gentle nudge? Here's a secret that most marketers know, and you proba

Sell-Outs and Paper Chasers
November 22, 2015

Anarcho-Preneur episode 007 Why do we hate sellouts so much? And is it a good idea to sell out in order to cash in on a trend? This is a highly debated topic and business, and a subject that evokes passionate responses in fans and activists. This week

The Crisis With ISIS
November 18, 2015

LiveFreeFM Episode 014 This week, Popeye joins me as we talk about the latest “terrorist” attack in Paris. Is there more to the story than meets the eye. We take a closer look at the details surrounding this event and the mainstream reaction to it

Overcoming Self Doubt
November 11, 2015

Anarcho-Preneur Episode 006 Do you ever feel like you’re not worthy? Do you feel like others are blessed with success, but it will always evade your grasp? Often times, we cannot see the our own value, and we let our doubts kill our potential. But d

Pleasure, Pain Points, and Politicians
November 03, 2015

Anarcho-Preneur Episode 005 What is the difference between persuasion and manipulation? It is often said that the State uses coercion, while the market relies on persuasion. I would contend that there is a grey area, in between, that both sometimes ta

Greedy Capitalists
October 27, 2015

LiveFreeFM Episode 013 Is capitalism a system based upon human greed? How have you been trained to think about capitalists? What have the politicians and hollywood elite conditioned you to believe? Is it consistent with reality? In this episode, I inte

Joby Weeks; Anarchist, Activist, Entrepreneur
October 21, 2015

LiveFreeFM Episode 012 Have you ever told yourself that the life of an activist is that of poverty, rejection, and turmoil? Can you strive for justice and still make a good living, while doing it? This week, I interview Joby Weeks, who has successfully

Tom Woods, Property Rights and Economics
October 06, 2015

LiveFreeFM Ep. 011 In the absence of the State, what sort of property rights concepts might emerge? Tom Woods joins me today to discuss that very topic. Are property rights needed for a thriving society? Could they even exist without the State being th

Statism Vs. Success
March 27, 2015

Episode 155. The State is the enemy of the entrepreneur. How do public schools, taxes, and market regulators destroy the creative problem solvers of the world? Why are so many people afraid of success? Why do so many people hate the successful? Nathan
