

Consumerism Vs. Capitalism : A Black Friday Special

December 07, 2015

Anarcho-Preneur Episode 009

Tis the season for mass consumption. The day after we gorge down as much turkey as we can possible stomach, we head to the local retailer to line up like cattle and stuff our stockings. Is this really what capitalism has turned the holidays into?

In this episode, I break down the differences between consumerism and capitalism. What drives people to over consume? Is it merely a result of having a free market? Or is there more at play, here?

I am a staunch defender of free market capitalism, but I detest consumerism. It is my opinion that the two do not go hand in hand. In this episode, you'll discover how to support the free market, without having to engage in mass consumerism. You'll also find out why mixing socialism with capitalism is what really causes consumerism. Download.
