

The Crisis With ISIS

November 18, 2015

LiveFreeFM Episode 014

This week, Popeye joins me as we talk about the latest “terrorist” attack in Paris. Is there more to the story than meets the eye. We take a closer look at the details surrounding this event and the mainstream reaction to it.

Was this a false flag attack? Popeye gets into what he thinks about the official story, and his problems with the alternative narrative, as well. We discuss historically admitted false flag incidences, and what to look out for, when it comes to these types of events.

Lastly, we look at the way government and mainstream media is using this tragedy to market the need for more government at the expense of freedom. What marketing tactics are being employed, and how can you use this knowledge to sift through the information, in order to make a more rational decision about what really happened and what the appropriate response should be.

Between how I see it, and how Popeye see’s it, we give a fairly balanced look at the whole situation, and leave you with more tools at your disposal for coming up with your own conclusion.

Popeye's WebsiteDownload.
