Little Voice Big Business

Little Voice Big Business

Latest Episodes

4: How to handle 'Haters'.. and what happened when I encountered my first one
September 25, 2015

The voice for little voices. A podcast for solopreneurs to make you stop dithering and start making it happen

3: Perfect Pricing - The simple hacks you need to ensure you're charging your worth
September 16, 2015

The voice for little voices. A podcast for solopreneurs to make you stop dithering and start making it happen

2: Grow your business in just 15 hours a week ? Yes it is possible!
September 16, 2015

The voice for little voices. A podcast for solopreneurs to make you stop dithering and start making it happen

1: Explaining my little voice. And no I'm not putting it on!
September 08, 2015

The voice for little voices. A podcast for solopreneurs to make you stop dithering and start making it happen. Whether you're stuck, scared, or unsure what to do next - listen in for valuable tips and advice to help you step it up.
