Linux Confidential

Linux Confidential

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Episode 17: Weekly Privacy News Update
April 27, 2019

Privacy watchdog taking Facebook to court, says company breached privacy laws Privacy commissioner: Facebook are 'morally bankrupt pathological liars' The Future of Computing and Why You Should Care by Purism Founder and CEO Todd Weaver Go to https://go.n

Episode 16: Privacy through compartmentalization
April 19, 2019

Happy Easter! Here's the article that started today's episode: Here's the series on Fast Company called The Privacy Divide: https://www.fastcompany.

Episode 15: Facebook is not your friend
April 19, 2019

Facebook was in the news today. It seems that after agreeing to security audits every 2 years back in 2011, they are now suing the FTC from releasing the findings of these audits. What are they trying to hide? I guess privacy only works one way for Facebo

Episode 14: 5G Apocalypse?
April 16, 2019

In today's episode you might think I wear a tin foil hat, but I'm deeply disturbed after watching the documentary, "5G Apocalypse - The Final Extinction." You can watch it here: or https://youtu.b

Episode 13: Quick update
April 15, 2019

Rather than try to explain how to configure your browser in a podcast I'm focusing my attention on video editing on Linux and will start sharing these types of lessons via Youtube.  I have news that the hardware vendor I've been working with will be

Episode 12: Windows security in China, VPN comparisons, and uBlock Origin config notes
April 14, 2019

Check out these articles by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols:

Episode 11: I'm back, Google and Facebook fined, Firefox settings
April 13, 2019

After more than a month I'm back and more ready to help you tame the privacy-invading beast that is the internet. It turns out that knowing the material you're talking about is not enough to get you to publish on a regular basis! A should out to Tommy Bak

Episode 7: Let's start a revolution!
March 10, 2019

It's time to stop using products from companies that don't respect your privacy. I touch on China's social credit system and recommend hardware that does respect your privacy.

Episode 6: Securing your smart phone
February 26, 2019

In this episode I talk about some of the ways you can protect your identity on your smart phone.

Episode 5: Good news from Germany
February 12, 2019

In today's episode I talk about the ruling made by Germany's Federal Cartel Office to, "no longer be allowed to force its users to agree to the practically  unrestricted collection and assigning of non-Facebook data to their  Facebook accounts."
