

This Is Coral Ridge

January 14, 2015

In January 2015, Pastor Tullian preached a sermon about who we are as a people and what the job description of the pulpit is at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. He shared the following manifesto as an introduction to the sermon: “We simply see ourselves as a pack of 21st century sinners, called to Fort Lauderdale, to broker the good news of the past into the present… We are old fashioned in a brand new way. We are not trying to do anything new and novel. We are simply recognizing that we are broken down people who are called by God to broker the message of the past into the present.”

Here are the live tweets from @coralridgepc that were posted during the sermon.

What is Christianity? The hope is that eventually, through tears, people both inside & outside the church will say “the forgiveness of sins”

Setting us free is the heart and soul of Jesus’ mission.

Jesus’ message isn’t a message of “kill”…it’s a message of “die”. He didn’t come to kill, he came to die.

Everything that Jesus did was done to set us free.

Our fears reveal our chains. But Jesus came to set us free from our burdens, from what keeps us up at night.

The job description of the pulpit has been clouded. The pulpit isn’t a lectern in a classroom, it’s not a dinner table, it’s not an office.

So what’s the job description of the pulpit? To diagnose & deliver sinners. Diagnose through preaching law, deliver though preaching gospel.

Preachers aren’t political pundits or life coaches. They are Good News specialists.

Expository preaching – expose the sinner by preaching law, expose the Savior by preaching Gospel.

We never ever outgrow our desperate need to hear “it is finished”

We want our church to be the first place people run to when they screw up and fall, not the last.
