Le vital corps Salon

Le vital corps Salon

#0070: Katharine Hayhoe on studying climate change, knowing when to engage + unpacking science-y or religious-y smokescreens

July 10, 2019

Meet Katharine Hayhoe, an atmospheric scientist with Atmos Research and Consulting and Professor & Director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University. Sometimes, I unexpectedly bump into a guest at an event, conference, or randomly out in the world.  Other times, a friend, like Andrew over at the Sounds and Vision podcast, will suggest a guest because they know who or what will make me geek out - like today’s guest, Katharine. Katharine Hayhoe is an atmospheric scientist to some and a self-proclaimed Jezebel of climate change. Her research focuses on understanding what climate change means for people in the places where they actually live. (Breathe! She’ll describe what that means in this episode in a non-science-y way for us layfolks). As a first time beekeeper and lover of long walks in nature, climate change is definitely something I think (ok, worry) about on the regular. Katharine’s also a Professor at Texas Tech University and the host of the PBS digital series Global Weirding. She's been named one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People and Fortune’s 50 world's greatest leaders.  In this episode, we talk about climate change, including how it’s affecting those of us living in Northern America. We also talk about how we talk about any complex issue, like climate change, and what we can actually do to change it in our own unique ways.  We talk about girl power (and the impact of daughters on their conservative dads). We chat about science-y and religious-y smokescreens, including how to recognize and dismantle them. We tackle toxic trolling and the toxic package of fear and loss.  As you listen to this episode, I have two challenges for you. First, I challenge you to think of a woman in your life that needs to know about Katherine and her work. Who would nerd out about this topic, too? Please share this episode with them. Second, think about one tiny action that you can take to make a positive impact on climate change today. Katharine (and the book Drawdown below offer so many choices). We all need to do our part. Have a listen.  Selected link love + resources from the episode can be found here:  https://www.vitalcorpswellness.com/blog/lvcs-0070-katharine-hayhoe    
