Level 4: The AutoDrive Challenge Podcast

Level 4: The AutoDrive Challenge Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 18: Learning About SAE Standards
March 01, 2023

We are joined by David Alexander, senior director of standards at SAE international, and Christian Thiele, ground vehicle standards director at SAE international, to discuss what the SAE Internationa

Presentation Tips For Concept Design Event
February 09, 2023

AutoDrive Challenge II Concept Design Event Co-Captains Angela Xydis and Jessica Swan join us to talk about the new TedTalk-like presentation format and tips to best prepare to get the most out of the competition.

GM Diversity
May 17, 2021

We chat with employees at General Motors to discuss diversity efforts at the company.

GM Recruiting
May 04, 2021

We talk with General Motors about the initiatives and oppurtunies for students of Autodrive Challenge!

GM's Vision: Zero crashes. Zero emissions. Zero congestion.
April 12, 2021

We talk with Kevin Dietrich from General Motors about GM's vision of: Zero crashes. Zero emissions. Zero congestion. How does this align with the Autodrive Challenge? Find out here!

Student Round Table
March 31, 2021

In this episode, we talk with students from Mexico and Egyptian teams in Baja, Aero Design, and AeroConnect to discuss tips for team development, project management, and dealing with unforeseen circumstances like this past year’s world pandemic.

Episode 11: What to Expect in the 2021 Season and Why to Register
November 03, 2020

We talk about the changes for the 2021 season including what to expect from Knowledge and Validation events and how you can make the most out of connecting with sponsors and volunteers!

Episode 9: Intel V-Tune Profiler
April 23, 2020

We talk with Jeffrey Reinemann, Technical Consulting Engineer for Intel System Studio about V-Tune Profiler, it's advantages in the Autodrive space.

Mathworks MatLAB and Simulink
February 07, 2020

We talk with Lauren Tabolinsky, Sam Reinsel and Mark Corless join us from Mathworks to talk about MATLAB and Simulink and how those products are used in the automotive industry and in the Autodrive Challenge itself.

Site Host Spotlight: Transportation Research Center Inc.
January 07, 2020

We chat with Chris Heise and Andrew Mathers from Transportation Research Center Inc. who will be hosting Year 3 of Autodrive Challenge. We chat about the facility's history, the new SMART Center, career oppurtunities, and what people can expect when they
