Level 30

Level 30

Latest Episodes

23 - El Monstruo Comegalletas
February 25, 2014

After dodging the paparazzi that follow their every famous move, the Level 30 celebs step back up to mics and make asses of themselves discussing a somewhat taboo topic. This episode is brought to you by the letter C for Cookie.

22 - Geeks V Sport: Fully Sick Mega Grouse
February 18, 2014

JT watches cricket for the first time and enjoys the drama so much he will never watch again ever. Sport reminds Stefan that he is “unAustralian”, although he did attend a football match once, which he likens to the X-Men in Murderworld.

21 - Scrubless in Seattle
February 11, 2014

After outlawing the all-too-common topics of Level 30 conversation, Stefan reveals his Latino music connection and a failed tennis career. Meanwhile, on the other side of the room Dr JT is in the house and has the podcast medicine for whatever ails ya! No

20 - Los Nudos Crimos
February 04, 2014

JT loves the bible but hates Disney because they are about to hack apart the Star Wars Expanded Universe the same way they hacked apart his band one time. Stefan loves time travel, including the cerebral brain hate of Primer and the confected love sniffle

19 - Galactus, Destroyer of Burger Worlds
January 28, 2014

Stefan made cheeseburgers including the buns and they were great but he didn’t invite JT to dinner because he only has one door and he was worried JT would eat it. Also, it’s totally a heat wave so we talk about nano-condoms, Ant Man, Sith vs Borg and

18 - Shark Week
January 21, 2014

JT is a complex man. He hates Michael Bay. He has finished Breaking Bad. He follows sharks on Twitter. Stefan interrogates him about these things and more on another Level 30, where every conversation is inspired by the polite arguing of Margaret and Davi

17 - Professor Kurt Noats
January 14, 2014

The consummate Level 30 professionals hit the mic's on Jan 1 (post cheesecake breakfast binge) to bring their usual brand of Marvel comics flavoured excitement for the year ahead in film. In the interest of balance there’s also some disdain for Agents o

16 - Huge Sack of Spiders
January 07, 2014

Look, we were going to discuss a single topic, but we got distracted by Chiko Rolls and went off on a bit of a tangent. Fuelled by deep fried Mars Bars and an Adelaide ‘AB’, JT talks about his Kinect injury and Stefan admits that his Wii avatar has a

15 - Ghost Driving Miss Daisy
December 31, 2013

See in the New Year with factoids about video game addiction, Calvin & Hobbes and hair style choices. There’s also Roku Boxes, science lessons, condescending salespeople and of course multiple renditions of the Breaking Bad theme*. It’s all as ridicul

14 - Dr Who Christmas Special
December 24, 2013

Seasons Greetings! The blind lead the blind as Speckoid Stefan attempts to illuminate one of JT’s geek blindspots - Dr Who. JT also returns to the pulpit to dissect Breaking Bad S04 so he can finally watch S05 and close it out of the roster. (LOL @ Rost
