Level 30

Level 30

Latest Episodes

43 - Aldebraan
July 15, 2014

While Stefan constantly hovers on the edge of an explosive sneeze, JT hosts one of the more random conversations in Level 30 history. Join us for some cartoon reviews, drone news and Matchbox 20 fanfic, won’t you?

42 - Transformers: Fob’s iGoBots
July 08, 2014

JT has seen Transformers: Age of Extinction and attempts to explain it to Stefan. It doesn’t go well. Despite some good IDW shout-outs and a nice air conditioner cameo, JT doesn’t rate the film all too highly. Stefan still suspects he just made all th

41 - Two Solid Champs
July 01, 2014

With more hate but less acid wash jeans than an episode of Friends, the 2 solid champs conquer physics and nitpickers with one fell swoop. Now with 10x more heavy breathing.

40 - The Last 200 Days
June 24, 2014

In a world where weavers are assassins and also looms exist, The Omnicrown Cannibal King and The One Who is Just provide an aural service listened to by vigilantes. In this episode they explain how democracy works then unilaterally dismiss all criticism b

39 - Timesplosion
June 17, 2014

Nothing is simple when it comes to life. Nothing it fast when it comes to Stefan’s Thai Food. Nothing is more exciting to JT than spotting a real, live drone. Back from their time travelling exploits, cover yourself in chicken grease and roll on in to a

38 - Whacko TuJacko, HoloHarbinger
June 10, 2014

In a dumb world where people are persecuted for injecting a little bit of song into their work day and the hologram overlords rule with iron fists (can holograms be iron?); 2 men dare to speak their minds about the Big Issues. They call themselves Level 3

37 - X-Men: Days of Future Podcast
June 03, 2014

Lie back, relax and let Kitty Pryde project your consciousness back in time to a point where the Level 30 lads offered up their thoughts on X-Men: Days of Future Past, or you could save the pain and just listen to the recording of it.

36 - Hipstermus Prime
May 27, 2014

Coming soon to a screen in front of your face SO MANY GEEK THINGS!!! In between gorging on fried chicken and failing to recognise themselves, the resident Level 30 lizard brains discuss the cavalcade of geeky trailers that have piled up over the last week

35 - Sack Your MC
May 20, 2014

When a listener says JT is obviously the #sexy host and Stefan his bespectacled sidekick, Stefan retaliates in the only way he knows how - constant talking. Tune in for tales of #bearding, potato politics, Star Wars Legends, a breakdown of fictional magic

34 - Amazing Spiderman 2: Electric Boogaloo - Part 2
May 13, 2014

Leaping off from the final inhale of last weeks’ Amazing Spiderman 2 review, the scabbed over and angry Level 30 guys have had enough of being trampled on by society and unleash part 2 of their Spidey review with the fury of a blue penis-less man.
