Lethal Weapon, Too Podcast

Lethal Weapon, Too Podcast

Latest Episodes

Lethal Weapon, Too #12 (johnny Price Guests)
October 25, 2015

Johny Price stops by and talks about how he can blow himself but can only suck the head and we talk about milke tyson punch out, too

Lethal Weapon, Too Episode #11 (Jack Tracks Guests)
October 18, 2015

Dave and ADAM stop by while jack hosts the best show ever made in the history of podcasting. #hilldog #catdog

Lethal Weapon, Too Episode #10
October 17, 2015

Dave and ADAM shooting the biiii-ahana

Lethal Weapon, Too Episode #9
October 15, 2015

WARNING: This podcast makes no sense and we are both loaded. We got back from the bar around 2:30 and don't remember making this one. I just found it and I guess I forgot to upload it. FUCKING HAMMERED. Topics include tweaker bartenders cutting us...

Lethal Weapon, Too Episode #8 (Mr. Q Guests)
October 09, 2015

World renowned 6th grade science teacher stops by to take on the controversial debate of "if science exists." Adam takes the stance that science does not exist, while Mr. Q believes, indeed, it does. Tempers flare and friendships are burned to the ground.

Lethal Weapon, Too Episode #7 (Ian "Worm" Harper Guests)
October 06, 2015

Ian "Weird Alien Worm Guy Skateboarder Beetlejuice" Harper stops by to talk shit with Adam and Dave. Subjects include science, aliens, dmt, and probably some gay stuff i don't remember

Lethal Weapon, Too Episode #6
September 29, 2015


Lethal Weapon, Too Episode #5
September 27, 2015

talking about mexicans and gays

Lethal Weapon, Too Episode #4
September 17, 2015

Good looking guys (Dane Krogstad) and infected alien brains.

Lethal Weapon, Too Episode #3
September 06, 2015

dave and amd get to the bottom of the biheim grove and a few special friends stop by
