Learning Chinese through Stories

Learning Chinese through Stories

Latest Episodes

2.3.7A 故事《掌声》
October 11, 2016

As a handicapped girl who suffered polio when she was little, Yingzi always came to school very e...

2.3.7A 故事《掌声》
October 11, 2016

As a handicapped girl who suffered polio when she was little, Yingzi always came to school very e...

2.l.17 笑话《王子和公主》
October 11, 2016

The prince was under a curse and he could only say one word every one year. Hence, he did not spe...

2.1.16 笑话《老人丢车》
October 06, 2016

Find the transcript of glossary under "Stories", "Joke stories" on http://www.learningchinesethro...

2.1.15 笑话《家里闹鬼》
October 05, 2016

A drunken man found his house was haunted. But when he told his wife the terrifying story, his wi...

2.1.14B 故事解读《小蝌蚪找妈妈》
October 04, 2016

New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repe...

2.1.14A 故事《小蝌蚪找妈妈》
October 04, 2016

This is the story that all Chinese people grew up with. It aimed to teach kids the scientific kno...

2.2.13 笑话《农民和警察》
October 04, 2016

A farmer was driving his bullock cart to the city, while a cop stopped him for driving a cart wit...

3.3.1B 解读《乡村孩子与奥运会》
September 29, 2016

We went through this commentary article with you with a focus on new words, sayings and cultural ...

September 29, 2016

This is a commentary article that targets on advanced-high learners. While China gets on the top-...
