Learning Chinese through Stories

Learning Chinese through Stories

1.3.21B 故事解读《孔融让梨》

November 15, 2016

让 ràng, verb, to let others have...
梨 lí, noun, pear
东汉 dōnghàn, noun, the Eastern Han Dynasty
时期 shíqī, noun, era;time
文学家 wénxué jiā, noun, master of literature; writer
从小 cóngxiǎo, preposition phrase, from one's childhood
十分 shífēn, adverb, very
懂事 dǒngshì, adj, mature; have good manners
母亲 mǔqīn, noun, mother
端 duān, verb, to hold (a dish, a plate, a drink)
盘 pán, noun, plate
位 wèi, measure word for people that deserve respect
兄长 xiōngzhǎng, noun, older brother
拿 ná, verb, to take
年纪 niánjì, noun, age
