Learning Chinese through Stories

Learning Chinese through Stories

2.1.19B 故事解读《怀素写字》

October 28, 2016

古时候 gǔ shíhòu, noun phrase, ancient times
和尚 héshàng, noun, monk
从小 cóngxiǎo, since one's childhood
喜爱 xǐ'ài, verb, to be fond of; to like
好学 hàoxué, adj, studious; fond of learning
上进 shàngjìn, adj, always want to do better
认真 rènzhēn, adj, careful; serious; diligent
总是 zǒng shì, adv, always
先 xiān, adv, firstly
清(楚)qīng (chǔ) , adj, clear
形状 xíngzhuàng, noun, shape
记住 jì zhù, verb, to memorize
笔顺 bǐshùn, noun, stroke order
一笔一画 yì bǐ yí huà, to write one stroke at one time
照着 zhàozhe, verb, to imitate
进步 jìnbù, verb, to improve; noun, improvement
传说 chuánshuō, It is said that...
当时 dāngshí, pronoun, then; (at) that period of time
贵 guì, expensive
块 kuài, means "piece", it is the measure word for board, candy, meat
木板 mùbǎn, noun, board
日子 rìzi, noun, time; days
竟(然) jìng (rán), adv, surprisingly
穿 chuān, verb, to pierce through
长大,zhǎng dà, verb phrase, to grow up
有名,yǒumíng, adj, famous; well-known
书法家 shūfǎ jiā, noun, calligrapher
