Learning Chinese through Stories

Learning Chinese through Stories

2.3.7B 故事解读《掌声》

October 11, 2016

文静 wénjìng
Adj, quiet (describe girls only)
默默 mòmò
Adv, silently
一角 yìjiǎo
Noun, one corner
角落, corner
早早 zǎozǎo
Adv, early We don’t say晚晚 for late.
小儿麻痹症xiǎo'ér mábì zhèng
患有小儿麻痹症or 得了小儿麻痹症
落下 làoxià Verb, a problem was caused by a disease and it never goes away
腿脚落下了残疾 (her) legs and feet were left handicapped because of the disease
残疾 cánjí
Adj, handicapped
残疾人,handicapped people
愿意 yuànyì
Verb, to be willing to do…
姿势 zīshì
Noun, posture
轮流 lúnliú
Verb, to take turns
讲台 jiǎngtái
Noun, teacher’s stage
轮到 lún dào
Verb phrase, (the turn) goes to …; it is someone’s turn
轮到你了! It is your turn!
目光 mùguāng
Noun, sight
一齐 yìqí
Adv, altogether
投向 tóuxiàng
Verb phrase, (eyes) look towards
立刻 Lìkè
Adv, immediately Or 马上
调 diào
Verb, assign (someone to work at…)
把王老师调到这个学校来。Assign Wanglaoshi to this school.
情况 qíngkuàng
Noun, situation
犹豫 yóuyù
Adj, hesitant
慢吞吞 màn tūn tūn
Verb, slowly
吞吞吐吐,to mutter and mumblr
眼圈 yǎnquān
Noun, circles of eyes
注视 zhùshì
Verb, to watch with respect
一摇一晃 yìyáo yíhuàng
Verb phrase, to stagger
站定 zhàn dìng
Verb phrase, to stand still
一刻 yíkè
Noun, that exact moment
这一刻,this moment
那一刻,that moment
骤然间 zhòurán jiān
Adv, suddenly
响起 xiǎngqǐ Verb phrase, (a sound) starts to raise
掌声 zhǎngshēng
Noun, applause
热烈 rèliè
Adv, warm; enthusiastic; heartily
持久 chíjiǔ
Adj, long-lasting
泪水 lèishuǐ
Noun, tears
流 liú
Verb, to flow
渐渐 jiànjiàn
Adv, gradually
平息 píngxī
Verb, to settle; to quieten
镇定 zhèndìng
Verb, to calm down; adj, calm
情绪 qíngxù
Noun, emotion
讲述 jiǎngshù
Verb, to tell/ narrate (a story)
普通话 pǔtōnghuà
Noun, mandarin Chinese
动听 dòngtīng
Adj, beautiful (voice, music, story and others)
深深 shēn shēn
Adv, deeply
鞠躬 jūgōng Verb phrase, to take a bow
鞠了一躬,to take a bow;
三鞠躬,to take the third bow
从那以后 cóng nà yǐhòu
From then on
像……似的 xiàng……shì de
Seem like…; look like…
圆圆的月亮像盘子似的。The round moon looks like a plate.
忧郁 yōuyù
Adj, sad; upset; gloomy
甚至 shènzhì
Adv, even
联欢会 liánhuān huì
Noun, celebration party
来信 láixìn Verb, (someone) sends a letter
永远 yǒngyuǎn
Adv, forever
歧视 qíshì
Verb, to discriminate
极大 jí dà
Adj, very big
鼓励 gǔlì
Verb, to encourage
鼓起勇气 gǔ qǐ yǒngqì
Verb, to pluck up one’s courage; to summon up one’s strength
微笑 wēixiào
Verb, to smile
面对 miàn duì
Verb, to face
生活 shēnghuó
Noun, life
