The LEAD Women Podcast

The LEAD Women Podcast

4 Noise-Cancelling Habits for People Who Want to Lead in a World Full of Distractions

October 22, 2019

If you follow me on social media, you know that this past summer I pre-ordered a bunch of leadership books set to be released this October. Well, in the last week, four of those books came. Happy Thanksgiving and birthday and Christmas and well, you get the picture!

So, on this podcast episode, I interrupt my Beginner's Pluck* series because Clay Scroggins newest book How to Lead in a World of Distraction: Four Simple Habits for Turning Down the Noise took over my week, and I wanted to share with you those four habits.

(If you're interested in purchasing the book, you can do so here.)

So here are those four habits:

1. Simplicity: Simplicity brings clarity. (pg. 121)

2. Speaking to Yourself: The voice inside your head has power. (pg. 140)

3. Get Quiet: Emotionally healthy leaders turn down the noise low enough and long enough to allow space for curiosity. (pg. 152)

4. Press Pause: Sabbath
Self-leadership demands that you know more about yourself than anyone else. - Scroggins
I delve into the four habits a little more on the podcast episode, so make sure to have a listen. BTW, I'm put in a birthday request to my kids for an official podcast microphone as I want the sound quality to improve on these podcast episodes, but one thing at a time. Books, then a microphone.

Friend, how are you doing leading in a world full of distractions, and where and how do you need to turn the noise down?

Let me know how you're doing in the comments below.

Pastor Carmen


