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The Real Way To Make Money With Your Website Or Blog
March 20, 2015

One of the questions I frequently receive here on Laptop Entrepreneurship is how to actually make money with a website. A lot of you out there are creating websites, creating blogs, in several different niches and you're not seeing an immediate return. He

How To Create And Host An Awesome Webinar Using Easy Webinar And Google Hangouts
March 18, 2015

What Is A Webinar? A webinar is exactly what it sounds like, web seminar. A virtual seminar where you're able to host a presentation live with attendees anywhere in the world. Traditionally, webinars will have the host go through a slideshow or PowerPoint

How To Find/Form A Mastermind And Why You Need One
March 09, 2015

I am in a mastermind! I already finished one of my goals for 2015, which was to find a mastermind group I could join. Masterminds are extremely beneficial to entrepreneurs as I share in this video. I also go through, step by step, how to find and form one

5 Quick Ways To Increase Conversions On Your Email Opt In Forms
February 27, 2015

Here are 5 quick ways to increase the conversions on your opt-in forms scattered around your website. If you're struggling to build your list and get the traffic, these quick little tips don't hurt testing out. Remember it's important to split test a lot

Reminder: Build A Business Online. Don’t Pursue Money Making Methods
February 23, 2015

I think it's time we get serious for a moment. In light of this Pinterest fiasco and them killing off affiliate links, I think it's time we talk about putting this whole making money online thing in perspective. I wanted to remind you guys that your goal

The Importance Of Getting Other People To Test And Go Through Your Website (And How To Do It)
February 20, 2015

Why you need to start seeing how your website looks through your potential buyer's or new visitor's eyes and how to do it really easily with little to no budget.

5 Landing Pages You Can Create Today To Build Your Email List
February 17, 2015

If you're trying to build your list with your website or blog, you've probably scattered around a few opt-in forms and used a few popups. Maybe they've worked, maybe they haven't. Let me share with you 5 landing pages you can create for your website and b

Win More Freelance Jobs On Elance (or wherever) With This Simple Tip!
February 16, 2015

If you are a freelancer on websites like Elance and Odesk, you probably know how difficult it can be to win a project. It's really competitive on Elance, especially on really big and high paying jobs. How can you separate yourself from the rest of the pa

The Proper Way To Promote Clickbank And Affiliate Products
February 10, 2015

The proper way to promote a Clickbank product or any affiliate offer. I show you the right way to do it, by creating a squeeze page, giving away a lead magnet, building a list and creating targeted Facebook ads.

25 Blogging Tools And Plugins To Help Your Blog Work Better And Get More Readers
February 04, 2015

Here's a list of tools and resources to help your WordPress blog or website work better for you, get more readers, and be easier to create content for. These are all tools and plugins I use or have used.
