Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing & Income Property

Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing & Income Property

1384: February Mortage Rates, California Rent Control & Coronavirus Pandemic

February 05, 2020

In today’s episode, Jason Hartman questions California’s proposal to use its eminent domain power to take over properties for rent control. What does this do to/for the landlord? The effects of the coronavirus on the human race and the economy aren’t something to ignore.

Investment Counselor, Adam, returns to the show with our February 2020 Mortgage Rate Update.

Key Takeaways:

[1:05] The “Socialist Republic of California” took some huge steps toward economic suicide. Is California Rent Control a mistake?

[7:33] Money goes where it’s treated best

[11:20] Three forms of power: violence, capital, and information

[13:45] What is to come of the potential pandemic of the coronavirus?

[16:20] Investment Counselor, Adam, with our February 2020 Mortgage Rate Update

[25:00] Reach the Jason Hartman Investment Counseling Team, 1.800.Hartman

